As of 2026, a favourable tax scheme will only apply to electric company cars. This is an important step towards – and extra reason to go all out for an emission-free fleet. 1 July 2023 will be a turning point.

The evolution towards more sustainable company cars has now also been laid down by law. Thanks to a number of tax changes, electric company cars or e-cars will be the most interesting choice from now on. The perfect time to start electrifying your fleet already today.
"1 July 2023 is an important turning point for making the transition to electrification," says Philippe Kahn, Mobility Solutions Expert at Arval, the specialist in operational leasing of commercial vehicles. "An employer can deduct significantly less costs for fossil-fuel-powered cars from that date. Hybrid vehicles can still enjoy more favourable tax scheme for a while. Nevertheless, companies should take into account that, as of 1 January 2023, they will only be allowed to deduct 50% of the fuel costs for their hybrid cars."
Electric driving isn’t just more tax-efficient
Electric cars are already 100% tax deductible. "Meanwhile, of the cars leased today, 40% are electric. This upward trend is clear. Until recently, the sensitively higher purchase price of an electric or hybrid car versus that of a comparable car with a combustion engine was a brake. Meanwhile, besides the effect of the shift in taxation, the market mechanism is bringing prices closer together," says Kahn.
But tax deductibility and purchase price aren’t the only factors to consider. In making this choice, it’s actually better to look at the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). This includes all expected costs. In addition to the tax aspect, consider consumption, maintenance and CO2 contribution. And these four elements are all more favourable for electric cars. If you use the TCO rather than purchase price as a yardstick, you’ll see that a green fleet of e-cars will be the most advantageous choice for your company in the future.
Electric driving gaining momentum
The tax regime for cars running on fossil fuels is gradually changing. Yet the changes in 2023 will remarkably accelerate the move to electric driving. More than ever, it is clearly time for a new mobility.
- Until 30 June 2023
For company cars ordered before 1 July 2023, the current conditions regarding tax deductibility will continue to apply. For company cars that are leased or rented operationally and for which the beneficial ownership is not transferred, the closing date of the lease or rental contract is considered. The costs of a diesel, petrol or hybrid car remain 50 to 100% deductible, while the costs of electric cars remain 100% deductible. - Between 1 July 2023 and 31 December 2025
For non-emission-free vehicles ordered as of 1 July 2023 until 31 December 2025, a transition period will apply, and the deductibility is gradually phased out. From a maximum of 75% in 2025, to 50% in 2026, to 25% in 2027, and ultimately 0% deductibility in 2028. As of 2025 the minimal deductibility of 50% is abolished. The CO2 contribution for these cars will also increase significantly each year. Emission-free cars will remain 100% deductible. - As of 1 January 2026 onwards
Non-emission-free vehicles ordered as of 1 January 2026 will no longer be deductible. Only emission-free vehicles such as electric cars will then be 100% deductible. But this favourable scheme will also be gradually phased out over the next few years, to 95% for vehicles ordered in 2027, to 90% in 2028, to 82.5% in 2029, 75% in 2030 and eventually to 67.5% in 2031. - Plug-in hybrids (PHEV)
For plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) ordered as of 1 January 2023, the tax deductibility of petrol and diesel costs will be limited to 50%. Electricity and other costs are not covered by this restriction. This measure is designed to encourage the use of electric motors and PHEV. Otherwise, PHEVs will continue to follow the non-emission-free vehicle rules.
And for your employees?
The status of the company car as an alternative remuneration will remain in place until after 2030. “If you allocate a company car that your employee can also use privately, this benefit will be taxed as a fixed benefit in kind. That depends on the list price, fuel type and the CO2 emissions. Although electric vehicles generally have a higher list price, zero emissions can make up the difference and in many cases, turn out favourably for your employee.”
What about charging?
To help your employees make the most of an electric car, you can have a charging station installed at their home if possible. Both the device and the installation at your employee's home are 100% tax deductible and there is no additional tax benefit for them.
“As a company, you can, under certain conditions, benefit from an increased cost deduction for the installation of charging stations on your company premises. This amounts to 200% for investments made in the period from 1 September 2021 to 31 December 2022 and 150% for depreciations relating to investments made in the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 August 2024. A condition is that the charging station is depreciated linearly over at least five taxable periods and at the earliest as of the fiscal year that is linked to the taxable period during which the charging station is operational and publicly accessible”, Kahn concludes.
Switch to an electric fleet
In addition to favourable tax conditions, there are many other excellent reasons to opt for electric cars today.
- It is an environmentally friendly solution that leads to 17-30% less CO2 emissions than the emissions from ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles throughout the entire life cycle of the vehicle.
- A wide range of new models is already on the market today and will only increase in the coming years.
- Most new models already have a driving range of 300 to 600 km.
- Advantageous Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
- Electric driving is pleasant and causes much less street noise.
- The public charging infrastructure is expanding rapidly.
- Access to low-emission zones and cities that ban diesel and petrol-vehicles.
Nowadays, responsible fleet management is built around sustainability. Don't wait any longer to electrify your fleet and reduce your company’s ecological footprint. Our mobility partner Arval will help you to make your fleet more sustainable and support you in your transition to electric vehicles.
Discover all our solutions or discuss them with your relationship manager.
Lessor: ARVAL Belgium NV/SA Ikaroslaan 99, B-1930 Zaventem - RPR Brussels - VAT BE 0436.781.102.
What is the future for mobility post-coronavirus?
The health and economic crisis has affected all aspects of every sector. Among them, mobility, for both private individuals and for companies.
Mobility is evolving every day. And it has been driven further as a result of the coronavirus crisis. Many people have been locked down and working from home has been widespread in many parts of the world.
The coronavirus crisis has changed concerns about transport
We are no longer moving around in the same way. And concerns are no longer the same. According to a BCG Consulting report, social distancing and vehicle cleanliness are the most important aspects for 41% and 39% of respondents, respectively, when choosing a mode of transport. There is also pre- and post-Covid mobility, with respondents being more likely to choose walking, their own bicycle or scooter, or their car than before the crisis.
Sustainable and alternative mobility in the years to come
Mobility has not necessarily waited for the coronavirus crisis in order to evolve. And, according to the same report, the share of more environmentally-friendly vehicles will continue to increase. By 2035, more than 35% of new vehicles will be electric cars, becoming the predominant form of motorised transport worldwide. Autonomous cars will also become more common, with 10% of vehicles being level 4 vehicles (able to travel without a driver, for example), and 65% level 2 or higher.
Customised mobility for employees, right now
The future of mobility is also relevant now, especially for businesses and the self-employed. The need for alternative modes of transport does not only concern private individuals, but also employees. There is no longer a single mode of transport for all situations, but a range of means depending on the need at a given moment. Electric cars, hybrid vehicles, electric bicycles, a public transport season ticket, car sharing, leasing, etc. These modes can take different forms and be combined in a mobility card, for example. There are benefits for the employees and managers of a company but also for the company itself through cost reduction, optimisation and fleet management.
Find out more about our tailor-made mobility solutions
The road to alternative mobility
Nowadays, responsible fleet management is built around sustainability. We're here to help you identify and realise your Corporate Social Responsibility ambitions.

Together we can cut your company's carbon footprint, improve employee mobility, and make sure these steps become a central pillar of your company's added value. In short, our aim is to have an alternative mobility policy.
Energy transition
We can help you make the switch to alternative mobility and new technologies to reduce your carbon footprint. Our SMaRT approach ensures your fleet has the best energy mix to match your strategy and driver profiles.
Alternative mobility needs new technologies to go hand in hand with new infrastructure. That's why we offer not only electric cars, but also the right charging solutions, too. As part of our integrated service provision we can determine how many charging points you need, install them, and manage how they are used both at the workplace and at the driver's home.
Soft mobility
Modern mobility management is about more than just cars or vans. You need a 360-degree approach. We'll work with you to determine your mobility strategy and needs. Greener cars are just one of the options available. We have a number of mobility management solutions (such as the Mobility Card) and alternative mobility solutions (such as bicycle leasing) to inspire your organisation to offer a more flexible range.
Focus on employees
When you put your employees at the heart of your organisation, you're in a better position to find skilled employees, satisfy them, and retain them. Go a step further than just an alternative mobility solution: focus on their safety and let them play an active role in achieving your sustainability goals. Trust us to improve their safety and integrate new technologies.
Operational leasing is offered by Arval Belgium SA/NV, with the intervention of BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV – Montagne du Parc/Warandeberg 3, B-1000 Brussels, Brussels Register of Companies VAT BE0403.199.702.
Promotion only available from Thursday 21 January up to and including Wednesday 31 March 2021 and is only available to professional clients (self-employed, liberal professionals and SMEs) of BNP Paribas Fortis and Fintro.
The information provided here does not constitute an offer. An offer is made only after your file has been accepted and is always subject to Arval Belgium SA/NV's General Terms and Conditions.
Mobility, more than just four wheels
BNP Paribas Fortis offers complete mobility solutions. Sometimes a four-wheeled fleet is not enough for your mobility needs.
As a reliable partner, we can help you with every step – or pedal – of your mobility trajectory.
Mobility analysis and advice
Our mobility managers can work together with your relationship manager to develop a future-focused mobility strategy.
We start by listening to you: we want to understand your needs and concerns when it comes to mobility. This is our starting point for creating the best mobility solution for you and your company. We will build on this foundation with our expertise, while also taking Belgium's specific legal and fiscal ecosystem into account.
New mobility solutions
As well asfull-service leasing,we also offer our core product giving you access to our full mobility range, a wide range of basic services and added-value services such ascar parts,carpool management,bicycle leasingandmobility cards. All of our mobility services and their associated services such as parking, electric charging, fuel, tolls and car washing are within reach.
Managing your mobility budget
We'll help you and offer advice about implementing the federal mobility budget[VBK1] in your company. If that's too limited to meet your specific needs and aims, we can develop a personalised mobility budget solution to manage your mobility costs in line with the legal framework, just as we've done for a number of clients previously.
We've already implemented some tailored cost-neutral solutions, allowing our clients to combine lease cars with lease bicycles or other mobility solutions. This means the company can meet its goals while also making good on its promises and obligations.
Those ambitions might range from an ambitious CO2 agenda to a competitive offer to attract talent or a solution to solve your lack of car parking spaces.
Operational leasing is offered by Arval Belgium SA/NV, with the intervention of BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV – Montagne du Parc/Warandeberg 3, B-1000 Brussels, Brussels Register of Companies VAT BE0403.199.702.
Promotion only available from Thursday 21 January up to and including Wednesday 31 March 2021 and is only available to professional clients (self-employed, liberal professionals and SMEs) of BNP Paribas Fortis and Fintro.
The information provided here does not constitute an offer. An offer is made only after your file has been accepted and is always subject to Arval Belgium SA/NV's General Terms and Conditions.
Choose hassle-free car sharing
Car sharing is a cost-efficient solution for your company, even while social distancing is in place. Our online booking system also ensures optimum occupancy.

It's easy to ensure hygiene, too, because your smartphone doubles up as a car key and there are guidelines in place for disinfecting the car after use. The driving administration for each user allows us to track who has driven the car if someone is infected or falls ill.
What is car sharing?
Car sharing adds a new dimension to the concept of carpooling. You can manage corporate car sharing using a smart online platform and an innovative app. There's no need to hand over keys, as users open, start and lock cars using the Car Sharing app. Car sharing is a great example of smart sharing and flexible, sustainable mobility. As the employer, you can make cars available and decide which employees can use them.
How does car sharing work?
Book online
Car sharing lets you book a car anywhere, any time. We've developed an intuitive online booking system and a free Car Sharing app for Android and iOS. It takes seconds to book a car, whether you're at the computer or on your smartphone.
You open, start and lock the car using the app. Picking up and dropping off keys is a thing of the past. No smartphone? no problem – we'll give you a chip card.
No more paperwork
The app also makes sure that all data is carefully recorded and kept. Mileage and fuel consumption are automatically recorded after each trip, while users can report any damage quickly and accurately using the app.